Sterling Trader® Mobile is a highly sophisticated trading platform designed for both stand-alone use and to provide existing STT users access to the markets while they are away from their desktop application. ***Please note that a brokerage account is required to access the platform. Contact your broker to set up an account and login for use with Sterling Trader® Mobile.*** Sterling Trader® Mobile Features:• Equities, single and multi-leg options trading support• Trading access across all U.S. exchanges and STT execution venues• Broker and Clearing firm neutral with deep brokerage and clearing firm network• Multi-broker and multi-clearing firm support• Real-time charting• Customizable ticker watch lists• Robust and reliable technology and infrastructure• High performance, real-time Level I and Level II market data• Price Alerts for equities and options• Email and SMS alerts for orders and trades• Portfolio management – real time position, P&L and Account Values